
General Diet Rules

Vata pacifying general diet should be followed (see recipes below for Vata diet) Only ghee and olive oils should be used with a special emphasis on pure cow ghee. Ghee goes in and pulls out lipid soluble chemicals from the brain and nerve tissue, thus it detoxes the brain, nourishes the brain cells and repairs damage from the toxins that have caused the autism. To learn to make pure cow ghee please see recipes section below. Organic ingredients should be used as much as possible. Home made lassi (see recipes) should be served daily after lunch. ¼ cup of yoghurt to ¾ cups of water blended with spices such as cardamon, black pepper and cinnamon. A little jaggery or raw sugar can be added too. For a digestive lassi add cumin, coriander and ginger. 5-6 drops of coriander juice should be put into food each meal as a seasoning. Diluted fresh pomegranate juice should be taken daily if possible .

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Best Diet For Autism


All refined processed and chemical food (this includes white sugar, chips, chocolates, white flour, soft drinks and most anything you would find in a modern supermarket shelf) Leftovers Old cheeses Cold foods and drinks Microwaved food Nightshades and legumes other than green and white mung should be avoided All soya products and their derivatives should be avoided If you are lactose intolerant and can’t take organic milk then make almond or rice milk (do not purchase ready made milk powders). To make almond milk, soak and skin some almonds and blend with water.


Only filter water should be used for cooking and drinking. RO is the preferred method of filtration we suggest. Keep a few rose-quartz crystals in your water container to purify and energise the water.r than green and white mung should be avoided All soya products and their derivatives should be avoided If you are lactose intolerant and can’t take organic milk then make almond or rice milk (do not purchase ready made milk powders). To make almond milk, soak and skin some almonds and blend with water.


Fresh sweet fruits should be juiced by a masticating juicer and taken every day at least 1-2 cup fulls apart from daily meals. Recommended juices for autism: Mango and Paw paw Apple and grape Grape and carrot Apple and carrot Paw paw and pineapple Litchi and apple Fresh fruit juices (especially if organic and in season) aid in detoxification of all tissues and are very calming and soothing to the mind and nerves. NB: Only use fruits that are in season and ideally organic otherwise peel them

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